Thursday, November 10, 2011

Greece's New PM & Italy May Be Next!

Congratulations PM Papademos! Good luck, you are going to need it...

The Wall Street Journal:

As the Greek scare slowly dies down, the Italian scare begins...

The Wall Street Journal:

Well, no worries! The ECB will bail Italy out, right? WRONG!

The Wall Street Journal:

So how does the future of the EU look? Not so good...

The Wall Street Journal:

Thursday, November 3, 2011

UPDATE: Referendum Plan

First, I would like to say how hilarious Greece's PM actions were! They sounded so childish and power hungry to me that I believe he deserved this reaction...

The Wall Street Journal:

This evening...Finally, PM Papandreou came to his senses! (With a little help.)

The Wall Street Journal: